Fan blade sucking 230 mm

28 degrees

Availability:in stock
Price inc VAT:7.36 12.25
Price netto:5.98 9.96
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  • Rated voltage


    Working voltage



    50 / 60Hz

    Input current


    Input power


    Rotation speed

    1600 rpm

    Maximum performance

    9700 m³ / h

    Maximum static pressure

    200 Pa

    The noise level

    74 dBA

    Temperature range

    -25 ° C - 60 ° C

    Rotor material


    Type of housing


  • Weiguang fan blade made of aluminum. Universal installation adapted to traditional fan motors. The price is for 1 piece of propeller.

  • All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Proper names are provided for information purposes only and are used to compare the products.

  • Product Fan blade sucking 230 mm belongs to the category Fans and subcategories

    Fans are a very important part of heat exchange in cooling, air-conditioning and ventilation systems. The task of the fans is to ensure effective air flow through the exchanger. They help to maintain the desired temperature and humidity in a given system, as well as reduce the concentration of airborne contaminants. High-quality, reliable fans and fan motors ensure comfortable, long-lasting and proper operation of the systems. We offer a wide range of parts for the construction, maintenance and service of refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation systems. We invite to contact manufacturers of equipment and installations, wholesalers, shops and services: refrigeration and air conditioning.

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230na28v3 | Blue Refrigeration |